By Paul Gunther
February 7, 2012
A message from our President, Paul Gunther
Every month since July 2010, our colleague and friend—recipient of the 2010 Board of Directors Honor—Calder Loth has penned and illustrated an essay relating to classicism that has become a lively addition to our Classicist blog. Besides the ICAA and its , several design instructors around the country rely on the monthly lessons he imparts with lively currency rooted in history. We hope you do too.
Calder’s online partner (and ICAA Chapter liaison) Kelly Price has posted them in the order below:
Please take due advantage and follow them from now on if you are not yet doing so.
I am also pleased to announce today that in addition we will now be adding Calder’s renewed Friday Image post to the blog. These weekly images and summary observations (sometimes taken from Institute trips – more often from his own rigorous peregrinations, especially across every inch the Virginia Commonwealth) illuminate his encyclopedic architectural photography collections and related insights. It is a much-anticipated highlight of our and will now be brought to all through the blog. Comments are encouraged in inquisitive exchange. Above all, these posts are a joy to be shared among those who seek beauty and enduring truths in the built world. Join me please in commending this worthy contribution to our online content.
The blog in its entirety is a dynamic resource that we seek to nurture. We invite submissions. They should come to Kelly and me. While advocacy is on our minds, historical precedent, education, and news are paramount.
June 6, 2023
August 24, 2021
June 1, 2016
May 5, 2016
April 27, 2016