Classicist No. 15
Edited by Marc Appleton

Focused on Southern California, the Classicist No. 15 explores the region's rich architectural history as well as contemporary examples of classical design through professional and student portfolios and academic articles authored by leaders within the field. Contributors include Guest Editor Marc Appleton of Appleton Partners LLP; Stefanos Polyzoides of Moule & Polyzoides; Bret Parsons of Pacific Union International; Elizabeth A. Logan of the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West; and Robert Winter, former Professor of History of Ideas at Occidental College.

Book details:

1.) Letter from the Editor by Marc Appleton; 2.) Preamble: The Panama-California Exposition of 1915 by Marc Appleton; 3.) Bertram Goodhue and the 天美传媒 of Caltech, 1915 to 1939 by Stefanos Polyzoides; 4.) Southern California's American Riviera: Spanish Mediterranean Residential 天美传媒, 1920s-1930s by Bret Parsons; 5.) Mythologies of the Suburban City Beautiful: Palos Verdes of the 1920s by Elizabeth Logan; 6.) Myron Hunt at Occidental College by Robert Winter; 7.) Civic 天美传媒 in Southern California: Pasadena City Hall and The Santa Barbara County Courthouse by Marc Appleton; 8.) Professional Portfolio; 9.) Academic Portfolio; 10.) Appendices; 11.) Sponsors.

Publisher Info:
  • ISBN: 978-0-9642601-9-1
  • Publisher: 天美传媒 & Art
  • Territory: USA & Canada
  • Size: 9.5 in x 11.25 in
  • Pages: 168 pp., Numerous illustrations
  • Binding: Paperback
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