The Foundations of Classical ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Part 3: Motifs and Details - Review Questions

As you watch the video, you can browse by subject using the course outline and timestamps below. As you progress through the units, you can use the below optional (ungraded) questions to help assess your understanding of the material. Please note that these are not the summative assessment questions to be answered at the end of the course. You will also need to complete the summative assessment in order to earn course credit.

0:00: Introduction to Program; Taenia with Continuous Guttae; Horned Parapet; Windows

Review: What is the source of the motif of a profile of a ramped parapet with projecting ‘horns’?

1. Monumental Church.

Incorrect. The usage by Robert Mills in Monumental Church is based on an earlier precedent. Consider – what would be the reason Robert Mills chose this motif for the Church?

2. Greek and Roman sarcophagi.

Correct! This form was a standard motif for the lids of Greek and Roman cinerary boxes, as well as sarcophagus lids.

3. The Arch of Constantine.

Incorrect. Consider – what is the symbolism of this motif?

13:30: Triumphal Arch; Railings; Domes

Review: What is the precedent of the Tempietto?

1. Ancient Roman temples.

Incorrect. Palladio included the Tempietto among his restoration drawings of ancient Roman temples – but not because it was actually based on a Roman temple.

2. Ancient Greek temples.

Incorrect. Consider the ancient Greek forms learned about in the last video; does the Tempietto closely match any of them?

3. The Tempietto has no precedent.

Correct! The Tempietto was an original work by Bramante. However, it later became the precedent for many monumental domes such as St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

25:23: Doorways; Hearths; Alternating Pediments

Review: Which of the following is a reason why alternating pediments are used?

1. To avoid monotony.

Correct! Alternating pediments have a simple rationale – they are more visually interesting than using only triangular or segmental pediments.

2. To match ancient Greek precedents.

Incorrect. While there are pre-Renaissance examples of alternating pediments, they are largely from Roman architecture. What are some examples identified in the video?

3. As a celebratory motif.

Incorrect. It is true that the motif of triangular or segmental pediments in general has its origins in small home shrines, but this is not specifically linked to the use of alternating pediments.

34:23 Modillions; Keystones; Cornices

Review: Which of the following is an important example of a structure that features a scrolled keystone?

1. The Arch of Constantine

Incorrect. While an extremely important precedent in its own right, it does not feature a scrolled keystone.

2. The Basilica Palladiana.

Incorrect. The Basilica Palladiana certainly has a very interesting keystone motif, but it is not scrolled. However, another important motif is a major feature of the Basilica.

3. The Arch of Titus.

Correct! While the image of a deity was unfortunately later removed from the keystone, the scrolled keystone itself is still visible.

47:50: Rustication

Review: Which of the following is an important example of a structure that features rustication?

1. The Temple of Claudius .

Correct! The Temple of Claudius is an early example of rustication, used to lend strength to the appearance of the temple.

2. The Queen’s House, Greenwich.

Incorrect. This is an important structure and is the first English Palladian house; rustication is used in Palladian architecture, but not this particular building.

3. The Temple of Augustus in Pompeii.

Incorrect. Only the brick core of the temple survives and it is unlikely that rustication was used. However, another important motif is featured in the temple.